What is your desire for God?
This question can feel awkward and mysterious. The first time I was asked this, I squinted my eyes and asked, “what do you mean?”
Something Better Than Agreement
I’m uncomfortable talking to other Christians who think differently from me. I find myself making judgments about them and assuming they make judgments about me. I wonder - is there a better way? How do I lean into the uncomfortable instead of avoiding it?
Hope in the low
I wonder if one way to think about the summarizing trajectory of the beatitudes is this: when our present pain intersects with the kingdom of God, there is good reason to get our hopes up.
Begin Again
Below are the words I shared before being baptized. I share this in hope that it might continue to open the imagination of my friends and community to the creative possibilities of faith in an age of cynicism.
Return of Joy
This summer I embarked on a search to rediscover the joy of running. I entered the space that had become charged with weird energy in search of the simple freedom I felt as a kid.
Lent / Pain
Real or imagined, I can’t explain it, but I felt in moments, particularly at night, that I was being completely stripped of everything that brought me a sense of security. This gave way to a profoundly spiritual experience, one that I’m still reckoning with.
Lent / Lost
Jesus pushes back repeatedly against the world’s hierarchy. The economy of the world just doesn’t work for Jesus and his Kingdom.
Lent / Rest
Is it possible that simply feeling tired and owning it in the moment could be a subversive and redemptive practice for us as people who live under weird expectations to be “high-energy”?
Lent / Clearing
The season of Lent is as good a time as I know to get curious and a little more aware of how we experience the lure to prove ourselves. In following Jesus into the wild, we’re bound to face questions like: Who do you think you are? What have you done? How do you compare with others?
Lent / Beginning
Put bluntly, the mystery is this: by facing death, we receive life. While this pattern is simple, it isn’t easy. Translating our experiences into wisdom takes time and a willingness to welcome harrowing questions and vulnerability.
I believe this text contains incredible power to help us imagine a new way forward, to help us see how the life we always wanted is on offer in ways we’ve previously missed or were perhaps not ready to see. I believe the Spirit has important gifts in store for our community as we reflect and pray together, so I’m inviting everyone to gather around this common text. Will you join me?
The Politics of the Kingdom
I want to engage in politics by following Jesus, who constantly rejected the misuse of power and persistently sought the good of the sick, poor, and outcast. Often, this has meant voting for policies that benefit people other than myself.
On Becoming A Healer
We don’t learn what love is by reading a text book. We don’t learn compassion and empathy from a multiple choice test. We learn them by first experiencing them. When we were scared, someone held our hand.
The Nightmares I Can’t Stop
We all have a choice; to use our power, to use our rights to perpetuate trauma stories that recycle the traumatic experience. Or we have an opportunity to use our power and freedom to work toward writing a different story.
True Sadness
The problem isn’t our humanity, as some suggest, but rather the rejection of what it means to be human. The God given potential of humanity is never more on display than when we allow ourselves to be moved and changed by an event or realization.
What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual direction has been a wellspring of life for me as I’ve journeyed through various seasons of life. Seasons of grief and loss. Seasons of confusion and transition. Seasons of joy and creativity.